Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Christmas at Granny and Grandpa's house

Look all these presents are for Cerah....

Dada and Cerah opening presents... Who's gonna get what??
Do I have to wait??? Hurry I want to open presents
Derek was really looking hard for presents to open.
Cerah loves her new doll, she got it from grandma Joan, Grandpa's mom
What do you mean there are no presents left for me???
Derek's favorite gift so far.... He was so excited that he could reach the pedals and make it move

Cerah and her Granny, Larry's mom, still has that doll. She wouldn't let go even to crawl.

We do Christmas eve at the parents houses. First Larry's parents then mine. When we got to Larry's parents house it took Derek 8 seconds to ask when are we opening presents

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