Friday, February 23, 2007

Cerah and Dalton

Cerah and Dalton are the best of friends. They have breakfast together every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Hey Cerah... do you think we can get this door open without anyone seeing us?? Reach up there I know you can.
OH NO I think your mom saw us !!!
Get back mom... leave us alone..we want to go play in the snow!!

These pictures are from Stephanie's sister's baby show. The difference in age between these 2 is 6 weeks... do you see the difference in height?? Cerah is really tall for her age. Now since she's walking Dalton doesn't have to look down at her all the time. He's been walking since about 10 months..if not before then. Love these two cuties!!!!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Cerah and Dalton are SUCH CUTIES!!! They are adorable!

Great pictures!