Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Christmas morning at our house

Can you see the two of them.. or do you just see the mess mom and dad had to clean up??
Cerah and her first cabbage patch baby. I looked for 5 months for this doll. I wanted one that had the same birthday as Cerah, finally on the last day I went shopping I told my mom that if I didn't find one she was just getting one. The 3rd doll I picked up had January 10 as a birthday. My mom asked the name and I told her I didn't car as long as the birthday was ok.. I still don't know the name..:)
Well I don't think this one is for me..... where are my presents
Derek and his new train table.. this was his favorite present..along with about 20 new trains he got.
What do you mean it's almost over?? Don't I have more presents to open??


JuJu - said...

I am very concerned about your childen Soltana. I think you should spend lees time blogging and uploading pictures and buy them more toys. What kind of mother are you ??? They have far too few toys! And only 9 baby dolls - HORRIBLE - this a a warning -

buy them more things immediately or I will report you as a cruel and mean Momma!!


Your Kids racked up chickie!!

Holy smokes - my kids will want you to adopt them if they see these pics:):):)



Soltana said...

You are sooo funny.... I laughed and Derek wants to know what's so funny...