Friday, February 16, 2007

Wild hair Woman!!

Cerah and Peja ( she's our 6 yr old Rottie)... They're best friends Cerah tried to ride on her and lick her face..
This is what Cerah's hair looks like when we take her ponytail out... Notice the pj's on her back (the stripped pants anyway) she love to put things on her head and around her neck.. when it gets where she wants she she shrieks with glee... I guess that's a good way to keep her busy
What?? Is there something wrong??

Yeah I know I'm cute..even when my hair is everywhere....
Yes I'm posting again today..Larry and Derek have gone..where else... to a basketball game. Cerah is getting ready for bed and I'm going to address wedding invitations for My best pal Stephanie... so I guess I'm gonna have a busy night... Have a great weekend... COME ON MAX we're waiting!!!


JuJu - said...

twice in one day - you go girl!


HollyGee said...

Hey dude!!! Good job. Cerah is cute no matter what!!!