Saturday, March 03, 2007

Cerah palying "momma"

What a cute pic.... Cerah got this stroller for her birthday..Hey Gia....look familiar?? I'm bring mine when I come to visit....we can take our babies for a walk.. :)
OH No..dropped baby on her head....
Hold on baby I'll save you....
These gosh darn cabinets are in my way... now what....
Peja taking a nap..... she gets really tired after Cerah and Derek chase her around all day.

Keep your fingers crossed for the Grigoli family. They are in GC visiting their little Massimo and they all aren't feeling too well. big shout out to my pal Julia.... from NC... it seems like she's the only one who enjoys the pics of the cutie pies...I guess when we go up to Indiana..where I'm from... I'm gonna have to show those people how to work this blog thing... Can't wait to see you guys!!
Holly.... I'll be there Thursday afternoon!!!!!! YEAH
Everyone have a GREAT SUPER DAY!!!

1 comment:

JuJu - said...

You know I am your fan girly!!

The pics of Cerah with the baby and stroller make me want to cry - I miss the days of my girls doing that! And look forward to my new baby girl doing it again:):)
