Wednesday, March 07, 2007

SOOOO SAD and Funny Derek story

First off I'm sooo sad that I'm not going to visit Holly and Gia this weekend :( I'm gonna try again in about 2 weeks. I really wanted to see that cutie pie... I mean Gia... HAHAH Love ya holly...
Now for Derek story of the day:
Larry, Cerah and I were in the living room and Derek was in the kitchen. We heard water spilling and Derek whispering to himself about spilling it... (it was Peja's water bowl) I asked what happened and he said the water fell off the counter..I asked him how and he said...plain as day.... "Cerah did it"...already blaming her.

He has also made a sign for his bedroom door....
"nodnk man derek no"
Translated.. " NO BABIES IN DEREK'S ROOM" There's also a picture with a circle around it and a line going through the center....
Also.. he asked how to write the following.." you can't come in my room" I'll take a pic and post it asap..
Have a great weekend...I'll be moping around..just me and Cerah :( :( :(

1 comment:

JuJu - said...

You can come to NC:)
