Sunday, March 18, 2007

We're home.....

Time to go mom....hurry I have to get to Gia's house

We can't forget my baby

So this is Gia.... she's pretty cool


How cute are these two!!!!

Ok we had SOOO much fun visiting the Grigoli family. We got there on Thursday afternoon and we were SO tired...especially Cerah..after all she was stuck in her car seat for 4 hours. Friday we went to NYC to pick up papers for was ICING all day..I actually got to see NYC but we didn't get out of the car. We're are defiantly going back when its warmer. The girls slept most of the way. I got to see, Broadway,Times Square, WTC site, and it was a busy place. ZO was hysterical!!!! I think I had more fun riding with him then seeing the sites... Saturday we went to see Gmom and then we all went out for dinner in Philly..there were 17 of us all together!!! What a PARTY..... Then we all went to the King TUT exhibit at the was cool. This morning we left and both girls started crying..along with me having a few tears...I hate saying good by to people when we leave. But they're gonna come visit soon..

I tried to get on the New Jersey Turnpike...I GOT LOST!!!!! then freaked out..called Holly because I was going 95 south..I didn't see the 40 W sign..... When I got to Baltimore I sat in line for 24 minutes just to pay the toll....GOOD GRIEF!!! Here are a few pics from my camera.... the girls didn't seem to enjoy us taking their pictures...

Oh yeah almost forgot..while we were there the girls got on a synchronized schedule...pooping, eating and sleeping...mostly pooping...within 5 minutes of one going the other would go...SILLY GIRLS
more pics tomorrow..I have to go to bed..Holly stays up TOOOO late for me...LOVE YA GIRL!!!


JuJu - said...

My early to bed early to rise crew would have a tough time hangin in NJ:)

So glad you guys finally got to see each other!!!!

Holly talked about you so much when we were in Guatemala that I felt like I knew ya:)

Good friends are priceless - I am glad you guys made time for each other. Those pics are wonderful and you guys are giving those girls a real gift! Some of the best friends I have are daughters of My Mom's friends. We played together as our Mom's hung out. We still keep in touch:)

NOW - I think you should ALL come to NC:):):):)


Soltana said... can come down with Holly anytime you want!!!

Julia... I feel like I know you too... we'll have to plan a trip to maybe meet half way for a visit when Holly comes....
Have a great day