Saturday, March 10, 2007

What a boring weekend...

I tell you what..I never knew how much I miss my boys..Larry and Derek..until they've been gone all weekend. Derek has been at Larry's parents since Thursday and Larry has been gone since Friday morning. They will both be back tomorrow afternoon... :) Cerah and I have had some good bonding time.... that is when she's not turning the TV on and off and running from me when she KNOWS she's gonna get in trouble. I actually cleaned today..NO interruptions..that's a first for a long time.. Now it's the girls time to go away... Cerah and I are going to NJ...for real this time!!! We can't wait to see Holly, Zo and especially Cerah's bestest friend Gia. They are going to have sooo much fun together... We're gonna leave on Thursday morning and stay until Sunday..BIG visit... Fun pics to follow!!!!


JuJu - said...

You guys are going to have a blast:):) You have waited a LONG time to get to see the diva in person:):)

Hope the trip is the best ever:):)


Sandy said...

Hi Solt.
We're looking forward to seeing you and Cerah. We have lots of fun planned.

Soltana said...

I can't wait..Im doing laundry and packing TONIGHT!!!! see you guys Thrusday!!!!