Friday, April 13, 2007

Ana and Brian's Wedding pictures.... our new bball player!!!

I'm almost caught up on pictures. The kids and I went to have lunch with Larry today. Then went to Old Navy and they got new swimsuits. I got a few new shirts. I LOVE might be a little better without..MOM ARE WE LEAVING YET?? But we still had a great time. Then we all went to dinner at Chili's. I had a margarita..YUMMY..furst drink in a very very long time. Tomorrow is going to be busy... Stephanie and I are doing wedding stuff...Larry and Derek are going to spend the day together. Cerah will be with me of course.
Here are a few pictures from Ana and Brian's wedding and some of Miss Cerah...with a basketball...darn it I thought I saved her... Just kidding. I want both my kids to achieve all they can.

A wedding for Ana and Brian?? Like that cute little flower?? I made it. I made all the flowers for her... in Kohl's parking lot...You're welcome Ana.... since you never thanked me
Derek and Dylan. Dylan had alot of fun taking pictures. Dylan in 3 months older than Derek
Chloe, she just turned 6...can you believe it.
Mr and Mrs Cress
Big Smooch
Chloe, Ana, Brian and Dylan

Mom and Ernie. I swear every time they take a picture it looks like this.
Vickie(in the pink, Ernie's daughter), Dylan, Ana, Brian, Chloe, Rachel (Vickie's daughter),Cerah, Me and Melissa(my cousin)
Look Dada, I can palm the ball!!!
Wait, I want to shot!!
Yeah baby!!

Derek story for today:
I asked Derek to get me a bottle of water out of the fridge. He told me we didn't have anymore. I told him it was OK that there was more in the car and I would go get it in a minute. He said, "Do you want me to got to the pond to get you some?" What a silly boy
Have a great weekend. I'll be busy with the shower on Sunday. I'll post pic of my awesome job of party planning...

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