Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cute kid alert....

I couldn't get the pictures of Cerah's ponytail to upload.... Sorry Julia.... But I had these on hand.. I'm telling you I don't think I could love these cuties anymore than I do...

Derek story: Monday we were driving to preschool and this is the conversation Derek and I had:
Derek: Mom are you going the speed lemon?
Me: The what?
Derek: The speed lemon
Me: What is a speed lemon?
Derek: You know how fast you can drive

Me: Do you mean speed limit?
Derek: NO MOM..speed lemon...just let me say it how I want
So everyone... make sure you're going the speed lemon whenever you drive :)

Derek and Cerah playing deal or no deal...
Listen bud, just because you THINK you know what you're doing doesn't mean you do!!
MOST PRECIOUS PICTURE!!! I'm gonna have it blown up and put in my future office
FUNNY... but blurry..this is the face she makes when you try to take her picture
Cerah and her baby..she saw I had the camera and came running
YEAH BABY!!! I knew I could whip his butt!!!
Notice her tongue??? How cute is she. Derek just lets her climb all over him
How much longer mom?? Has she had enough??

We have started our basement!! I'll take some pics tomorrow!!! I'm so excited!!
Have a great day!!!

1 comment:

Cameo said...

what CUTE pictures!!!! I'm so jealous! I can't wait to have my baby girl home and watch her and Asa play together!!! I told my BFF yesterday I cannot wait for the day when I need to "escape" from Valentina! LOL