Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Derek's preschool picture...

Here is Derk's preschool picture.. they weren't the greatest but he is sooo darn cute. He also got accepted into the summer program. He will be at "summer camp" which goes during the day. It's like daycare, but it will be at the school he is going to go to and he's going all he would in school. Gotta get him used to it.
Cerah is doing great... I'll post new pictures tomorrow....

OK I'm posting alittle early tonight. I have SOOOO much to do for Stephanie's shower. We've had to find another location, since it was suppose to be outside, and it's FREEZING and rainy. So I've scrambled to find a new place..which I have. Now I have to call between 25-30 people to tell them of the new location. I've had alot of help from Tammi..Wade's sister-in-law.If I didn't have her helping me...I'd go crazy!! THANKS TAMMI!!!! Plus I have to wrap all the silverware (plastic) and ties them with ribbon..details... that's what makes it special. So I'm gonna post tonight. Plus I have to go tan..LOL

A shout out to my cousin in Indiana... she is now a reader!!! She is 2 months and 2 days younger than me. I can't wait to see her in May....

1 comment:

JuJu - said...

He is absolutely Gorgeous Soltana!! What handsome fella:)
