Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm still here!!

I've been soooo busy.. I know I've done 500 loads of laundry!!! I'm also working on Stephanie's's almost here!! Our dresses came in yesterday. I'm trying to upload some new pictures.... my cp is kind of slowwwwww. Holly is in GC visiting her new little boy..Massimo... he's realllllly cute. Looks alot like Gia did when she was that small.
Derek and Cerah are doing great. Derek was eating a lunch able for lunch...well he left the room and guess who took the cookies... Now she's a stinky girl and he's angry..
We're trying to get our basement cleared out. my uncle is gonna start it hopefully next week... YEAH I'll post pics as we go along.

OH FOR THE BIG NEWS: A bunch of us blogger mom's have started a support group of sorts to help each other lose weight. I'm so excited. Now I have all these ladies helping. Larry has been a great support. I've lost 12 lbs since January... now if I can just get into a bathing suit..not a 2 piece.... just so I look OK at the beach. Wish us all luck!!

I'll try to post some pictures tonight...

1 comment:

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

Your kids are also soooo cute. I love the Rub-a-dub-dub pic in the sidebar. I'm so excited about the weight loss group. Keep in touch!
