Monday, April 16, 2007


First I want to express my sadness for the incidents today at Virginia Tech. It's a sad day when someone is so lost that they have to take their anger out on innocent people. Please keep the families of these poor children in your thoughts and prayers.

It's been a VERY windy day here. Our house shook and I hate this weather!!! I think it's gonna be around for a few more days..YUCK.... so I decided to post some pictures from a warmer day...

Derek and Cerah playing at Gaga's house. They love this little swing.
How cute is this little girl.
He's just as cute....
Guess who learned to work the remote??
And point...I can change the channel...

Miss Cerah wasn't feeling too well last night. I think she had too many strawberries and it made her tummy hurt. She was up at 1:30 and decided to stay up until 4:30. Not just lay there, but bounce on the bed and clap her hands. I guess she thought it was an all night party in Mommy's room

Anonymous: I know who you are... I'll get you some sexy pics of Larry... :)


Kim said...

Boy - it sure looks like Derek is up to something in that picture!! (or maybe getting ready to be up to something!!) Too cute.

Cameo said...

Hey, thanks for commenting! Nice to finally "meet" you!!! We're going to kick so much butt at nojunkytrunk!!!!! Now I have to get all caught up on your blog! I am going to read every post. Yes, I do have too much time on my hands..... why do you ask? LOL