Monday, May 21, 2007

CRAZY WEEKEND......Basement pictures & Camping out...

What a CRAZY weekend. Many of you know this was the weekend Stephanie and Wade got married. It was beautiful..if I do say so myself.. :) BUT I will NEVER plan another wedding that I am in..I almost lost my mind.. I lost 2 lbs in 1 DAY!!! Now I have the bottom tier of the wedding cake sitting on my counter..calling my name..SOLTANA, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO HAVE A PIECE.... NO( well maybe alittle one later :)

Derek had a blast at the reception. Bless his little heart he danced allll night. It was so cute.
Now for the bad news... I TOOK 0 PICTURES !! Can you believe that??? When Stephanie gets home and we get back from Indiana....we leave Friday night.... I'll get some from her camera that I took.
Now we're getting ready for vacation!!!! We're going to Indiana. Most of the family hasn't met Cerah and haven't seen Larry, Derek or I in 2 years. So it's gonna be fun... except the diet..YUMMY food!!!

Here are a few pics from our basement... almost done!!!

The spare being used for exercise equipment
My office... front part... behind the door..laundry room
Our mud room...NO SHOES ALLOWED after all the new carpet gets put in
Our fireplace...we'll have somewhere for our stockings this year and Santa can get in :)
Peja had to investigate the situation
My 2 little campers!!!
HI MOM is taking pictures of us AGAIN!!
Me and little miss..Derek took the pic..sorry about hoe BEAUTIFUL I look :)

Derek had preschool graduation Thursday too.. I'll post pics ASAP... his gift from us was a tent... for outside..and Cerah gave him $5.. he also got money from Granny and Dugie (Larry's parents) Gaga and Pap (Mom and Ernie ) and the Holloway clan... He's so excited he has money to spend on his vacation.
Today after school he wanted a Slurpee..he said he can buy it himself because he has alot of money now and I don't have to give him any.... Let's see how long that lasts !! :)


JuJu - said...

What I give right now for a basement and some extra square feet

Cameo said...

NO WEDDING PICTURES????? Unforgivable!!!!!

EB said...

Gotta love household projects! Good Luck