Saturday, May 12, 2007

Greatest Day Ever!!!

OK for the great news... I FOUND MY CAMERA!!! It was in the jacket. I think Larry hid it from me. I'm always losing things and I think he did it on purpose so I would keep track of my things ..:) So new pics hopefully by Monday...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL THOSE MOMMAS OUT THERE!!! I am blessed to be a momma to these 2 most cutest kids. I love them more then I could ever have imagined loving anyone.

Today was my mother's day out. Larry's parents kept the kids and Larry and I spent the day together. Do you know how weird it was to eat lunch without having to tell anyone to sit down and eat, stop playing with your food, or cleaning up a mess? Do you know how great it was to go into Target and Wal-mart and get what I need and get out?? I tell ya!! But I was SOOOOOO excited to finally pick them up. I missed them. Even though sometimes they are a handful... I LOVE THEM!!

Here are a few pics of Dada with the little ones...Notice Larry and Derek have matching Basketball attire??

Dada and Cerah...he was getting ready to leave

How handsome
Derek and his many funny faces :)
Cerah is trying to get away from these silly boys
HELP.... can we go now???
What is that crazy boy yelling about now???

1 comment:

JuJu - said...

Happy Mother's day Soltana:)
