Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'm stealing from Jennifer...

I'm tooo lazy to go to the car and get my camera so I'm just going to post tonight. We had soooo much fun on our vacation. We got to see alot of family and they all loved the kids. Most of them had never met Cerah and last saw Derek when he was almost 3. I got to see my cousin Keith, who I haven't seen in like 15 years..if not more. I'm so glad we went. We also went to Lake Michigan and had alot of fun walking on "the beach". Cerah HATED the water..Derek we couldn't get out... I guess he'll do great when we go to Va beach in July... YEAH!!!

Now I'm stealing from Jennifer.. a blogger friend from NJ..

10 Things you probably didn't know about me :

1. I hate thunder and lightning
2. I had 2, 10 pound kids... well some of you know that one
3. I was born in Hobart Indiana
4. I lived in... Indiana, Yugoslavia, Michigan, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and now Virginia
5. I married my high school sweetheart..we've been together 14 years
6. I don't like cooked veggies...except corn, peas and green beans
7. I have 4 tattoos.. WHAT A REBEL... getting a 5Th
8. I have grey hair.. :)
9. I've only had 3 jobs... Hardee's, Mcdee's and Wachovia bank... Now I have the BEST job a mom
10. I LOVE to scrapbook

OK so Jennifer had 25..I'm tooooo tired to think of that many...maybe next post I'll add the other 15


Cameo said...

Good things to know about you! I love hearing odd little things about people.

Sandy said...

You forgot #11 - you should write: "I have a best friend who has the coolest sister EVER."

Jennifer said...

I cant believe you are from Indiana also. that is so cool. My hubby is from Virginia LOL.