Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Park Day...

It's been a CRAZY week so far. The wedding is in 3 DAYS!!! I can't believe it... I had my hair done last night..Have to cover the grey :) Now we're doing last minute things.. tonight I'm assembling 100 programs. Today we're on the way to spend the day at the park. Derek's pre-school is having a picnic. It was alot of fun last year. He's excited. He was up at 7 wanting to pack his lunch. He wanted to make some cookies last night. Well we started and when the first batch went in the oven.. I found him in his bed ASLEEP!!! What a silly kid.

Now for the weight is weigh in day.... every Wednesday... GREAT week -2.6 YAY!!! So since January I have lost 19 lbs!!! I feel SOOOOOOO much better!! Only about 15 more to go until I get to my goal... A BIG THANK YOU to all my fellow junky trunk gals!!! They really help out.
Here are a few pics from last week when we went to the park.....

Derek's pre-school graduation is tomorrow night :( let's hope he does what he's suppose to do. The first few times they had practice he cried but has gotten better. He even sings the little song now :)

Swinging buddies

How cute is this kid.. he was yelling at Cerah to kick her legs..
My little monkey
Mom, this is SOOOO much fun!!


Cameo said...

cute pics. Who's wedding is it?

Tricia said...

Have a FABULOUS time at the wedding!!!!! :)

Kim said...

Looks like the kids had a great time!!