Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cerah's first ZIT!!!

Well, not too much exciting happened yesterday. Dylan...my nephew..spent the night last night...How fun is it to have 2 WILD boys running around!!!! But Derek is having alot of fun. Yesterday at "camp"Derek DID go swimming!!! And he told me he made a new friend. I was SO happy. 4 of his leaders came up to me and told me how much better he did. Cerah and I just hung out. She slept for 3 hours. Nothing too exciting....

We have vacation coming up next week...not sure if we're doing anything...probably just doing stuff here. Then Cerah and I are planning a mini vacation with Holly and Gia.... had to Wait until she said something first...I think we may be going to NC to visit Julia and the crew..CAN'T WAIT !!!!!

Cerah had her first zit !!! What does this kid have to worried about??? What she's having for lunch or what's in her sippy cup?? What is momma gonna put on her today?? Is she gonna get a full nap?? LOOK AT HER LEFT CHEEK...

PS...I know I'm a bad momma and wife for forgetting to post about Father's Day.,..Thanks Cameo for reminding me :)

1 comment:

Cameo said...

no problem, isn't it my job to make people feel bad about themselves? Oh? It's not? Oh crap.......