Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Game Night and Who Needs a Haircut.........

Derek and I got to spend some time together the other night. Larry was at basketball... I think and Cerah had gone to bed. So Derek and I played Candyland. He won 2 games, I won 1.... He's pretty good. But if he starts to lose..WATCH OUT...

How cute is this handsome little man ???
One Green.....
Miss Cerah needs a ya think???
This is the face she makes when you tell her to say cheese.... I really DON'T want to cut her hair...
Here mom...let me help you brush this moppy head... it's 9:45 and I have..given the kids breakfast, got them dressed. taken Derk to camp, gone to the post office for stamps, made the beds, done 2 loads of laundry and washed dishes from last night.... Now I'M BORED!!! I know Larry is probably reading this thinking.. "I'm sure there is alot of stuff you can still be doing"..... I guess once I put Cerah down for her nap I'll do my workout and take a nap too :) Maybe watch wonder pets.... Right Julia :)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Don't cut it! Just keep pulling it back with barrettes!!

Or you could go with the Jim Carey, Dumb & Dumber bangs. Or a girlmullet!!!