Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I'm a total DORK.. EDIT ADDED

First off I must be a total dork because me and someone else...girl you know who you are have NO idea what a trap stamp is..... My brother in law said it was a tattoo on the lower back...is that true....??? Someone please help me know!!!
If that's true... I'm in BIG trouble :)

Shout out to Shannon..thanks for the card...soooo funny.... FYI Shannon is my team captain of the weight lose blog and I won a gift card to Wal-Fart.. that's what me and Derek call it.... to put towards my ipod..... YAAAHHHHOOOOOO... The card made my day!!

Another shout out to all my blogger pals who are waiting, and waiting and waiting for their little ones.... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ALL of you to get those cuties home ASAP!!!!

OK so I'm not a tramp... :) It's so funny they call it that..plus my tush is big enough I don't need a tattoo to say... HEY LOOK HERE!!!!!


Cameo said...

hi, my name is Cameo, and I don't know what a tramp stamp is. Yes, that IS me. So, you have one Soltana????? Do tell what it is!!! I think it's fine, as long as you don't have a whale tail at the same time!!!!

Kim said...

LOL!!! A tramp stamp is a tattoo that is along your lower back, just above where your low rise jeans would go. So, if you are wearing your jeans, and a "belly" shirt, you can see the tattoo along your back.

Here's a link to the Wikipedia site about it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_back_tattoo

There was also a slight joke reference to this in the movie Cars - go watch it again and see if you catch it. :)

And from how you described your tattoos, I don't think you have one. :) And if you do - good for you!! Show it off!! I couldn't pull one off - I just don't think it has the same effect when you have a couple rolls. :)

A said...

Usually a tramp stamp is really close to the top of your umm, "crack", on the lower back. I've seen some that are really nice, and I've seen some that I can understand why they were given the name tramp stamp!

Kim said...

YEAH!! You're not a tramp!! :)