Monday, June 25, 2007

Play Time.....

Derek and Cerah got to spend a day playing with their cousins Dylan and Tessa. They had so much fun. They played hide and seek for hours...and they ALWAYS hid in the same spots..How funny are they :)

Tessa and her hair cut...NOW this is a bad haircut... she used the clippers.... it actually looks better than it did when it happened
Dylan..5 Derek...4 Tessa...2 (you can see her great haircut better here)
The boys hiding in the wisteria bush
Best buds
Tessa and Cerah...look at the size difference between them
Dylan and the girls.... Derek was in the back ground yelling fro Dylan to play hide and seek and stop taking pictures :)
Tess (turned 2 in May) Cerah 17 months...

Cerah's "new" thing...she has to carry a phone around and "talk" she'll walk around saying..uhhuu and yeas for hours... Wait she's reaching for a phone now... OK I saved it... she will CLIMB anywhere to get one in her hands...
Today is bike day at now I have to load up the bike into the truck...CRAP...let's hope he doesn't cry today... I'm sure he will

Our vacation starts on Friday..well I mean Larry's vacation...we're just gonna hang out...go to the zoo and maybe King's Dominion...and go swimming.... not to much since we're planning a vacation at the end of August to KENTUCKY!!! Alex..make sure you have some cookies ready :)


Jennifer said...

I love the pictures. Fun with Cousins. The are such cute blondies. Enjoy your vacation. It is your vacation too because you get an extra pair of hands

Cameo said...

CLIPPERS????? OH man, I'm glad you posted that, Norm's clippers are just sitting on the edge of the bathroom sink PLUGGED IN!!!!! I'm going to correct that accident waiting to happen right now!!!

Kim said...

Ok - Yikes - that is a bad haircut!!

And yes - Alex will have cookies all ready for you guys!! I'm so excited!!