Thursday, June 07, 2007

Screening Day...

We just got back from Derek's kindergarten screening. We got there and he started to tear up..not cry just tear up. I guess since it was new to him. While he was in his screening, the parents watched a small video about school. Then we where called into the hall..He did great... OF COURSE HE DID!!! Then he came walking down the hall to go to another room and waved and said hi mom. The only thing he didn't know was his address...we've been working on it..he did however know he lived in Virginia... and he didn't know what a jaw was... I think that's crazy... oh well. So now we have an activity calender for the summer and he is excited about going to"summer camp" on Monday.... we're off to play in our little's suppose to be 92 today!!!! YUCK


Cameo said...

Terrifying. I'm terrified of when Asa and Valentina go to school. We drive by the elementary school all the time and whenever I do I tell mom that I'm going to have to volunteer in both A & V's classes!

Cameo said...
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Kim said...

A jaw??? He had to know where his jaw is? Yikes - I would have never thought to teach that one. :) I'm glad he did well. I hope they enjoyed the pool - that's what we did today also.