Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wresle Mania XXXXXXX

Derek and Dylan had so much fun swimming together. I just sat by and watched these to "fight"... They wore themselves out...they were both so tired..
Derek got Dylan from behind...
Face shove by Dylan..Take that Mister
Yeah well..you take that!!!
I'm tired can we go in now???
Me too..I had alot of fun.

We saw Dylan last night and he said.."Tantann ( my nickname from all the kids..started with Kayla..Stephanie's daughter).... when can I come over again???" He's such a good kid. He's 3 months older than Derek... They are best pals


JuJu - said...

how cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cameo said...

please don't show me these pictures..... I can only imagine what is yet to come.....

JuJu - said...

Hey - please email me your address - AG wants to send you something:)

