Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Funny LARRY story...

OK so now I have a funny LARRY story. That's right my hubby is trying to be a funny person. He always makes fun of me when I get online to check on everyone. So tonight we were going to watch some fireworks and he was driving pretending to be talking on a CB radio.... here is what he was saying:
Hey Holly did you talk to Cameo.... Cameo have you talked to the McKenzie Crew..... Hey crew have you talked to Kim?? OK that's great..
(he knows all your names because of the posts you leave... see he even knows my friends)

You have to imagine him "talking" into the radio and making different voices. I tell you sometimes he makes me laugh sooo hard I almost pee my pants....

He's a shy guy but once he gets started............. IT'S HYSTERICAL

He says I spent to much time checking up on everyone..........WHERE DOES HE GET SUCH AN IDEA???? LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!!

I've added a few blogs I read to my blog roll... If I forgot someone or you wouldn't mind being on it, leave me a comment and I'd be HAPPY to add my blogger pals!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Well - the answer is - yes - we have checked up on each other!!

I think Jay wishes I had a boyfriend - it would probably take up less time. ;)