Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Shout Out and A Big Girl...

First a SHOUT OUT to Cameo. Thanks so much for Derek's car. He LOVES to get mail and yesterday his mail had a present. I'll take a picture of him with Sarge and post one for you..I'll mail you one too!! You're such a sweet person to send him a gift even though we have never "met" you're a GREAT PERSON. Miss V is a LUCKY LUCKY girl to have you as a mommy!!

Now for my daredevil...Cerah now only wants to sit in a chair...I can only put her in her highchair if I strap her in..She HATES it!! She climbs on everything...the bad part about getting in this chair.... She can't get down!!

Mom..get me out of this chair!!!
Wait maybe I can do it myself...

1 comment:

Cameo said...

tell Derek he is very welcome! I had completely forgotten about it, things have been a bit crazy around here lately! Dunno why, it's not like EIGHTEEN people have been staying in/around my house!!!!