Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Our Little Fish

A few weeks ago at Keelie and Connor's birthday party Derek did something that TOTALLY surprised us all. He had been swimming with arm floaties and wouldn't go near the water without them. The week before the party we went swimming at Dale and Lulu's and he became brave enough to start jumping in..NO FLOATIES. After everyone left the party I went back out to check on him..he was still swimming with Larry, Dale and Keelie. He said " Watch mom, see what I can do"...then he went UNDER water and started swimming!!!! I was in total shock but yet so proud of him. I asked him where he learned that he said "Oh I can just do it" Now we can't get him out of the water at all... Her are a few pics of our new little swimmer... You know I had my camera in my bag :)
Watch mom here I go...
Look at him go!!!
Watch out Keelie...he's gonna get you!!
So proud of this little guy
Hey mom did you see me ?? Did you??
Back to swimming...


Kim said...

Way to go, Derek!! You are becoming a great swimmer!!!!

Jenny said...


Thanks for the visit to my blog. I'm glad you liked our makeover pictures, etc. We do have a fun time. If you're ever in Boise we'll make you over too :)

I agree that Bryant is a cutie... but I think you're kiddo's rival him. Let's just face it... we all have cute kids. Lots of personality... wouldn't you agree?

If you don't mind, I'll continue to check your blog... it's good to see that your son and my son are very similar :)


Anonymous said...

Great job Derek...I had a surprise this summer too...Jason was in the pool with the kids, and yes, he took Jarrods arm floats off of him! I was so mad, I didn't want him to learn to swim until next summer, you know, too much to handle at the end of this summer, he is only 3. Jarrod says.."look mom!" I look, and he can swim half way across our pool. He isn't tall enough to touch the bottom, so momma isn't too thrilled. I am happy for Derek...hopefully he keeps it up next year! Good job buddy.

I hope you enjoy school, I know Jacelyn loves it. She asked me this morning if she had school today, and I said no, and she was so mad....I said yes honey, you have school today but you will be staying home the next 2 days (sat and sun). She screamed with excitement that she got to go today.

Take care! Miss you!