Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Our basketball STAR

Look at that boy dribble.... he did really well at his basketball smart start class..of course I think he was the best
Ok.. now where is he going???
Catch mom... are you gonna learn this someday??
Our little boy got his fist certificate!!!!! I hope there are many more to come. He had alot of fun playing. When he wasn't being shy..that Holly he does get from his dad :), I think it was good for him. We'll see how it goes next time...

Derek story for today: I know you NJ girls love these:
I took Derek to school this morning and we stopped at the bathroom, they are suppose to go before they come to class. Derek said he had to go . Once we got in there he tried but nothing happened. I said " I thought you had to go potty" His response: " I think it's empty"

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