Thursday, March 29, 2007

Finaly it snowed in VA...

Sorry the pictures are alittle out of order..Derek is wanting to play checkers but I made him a deal to let me do this first..Yes my little man has learned to play checkers can you believe it!!! We're having some mommy and Derek time.Cerah is in bed and Larry is at a game... Here are some pics of Derek playing in the first much fun!! And Cerah playing with ANOTHER purse..

I was inside the WARM house while Derek and Larry were outside in the COLD

Is this how this goes??


OK...I'm ready to go now...

Making a least trying.... it wasn't very good packing snow :(

Derek's first ride down a hill on a sled... it was soo funny...he didn't like that he went down fast..our hill is little..but he thought it was the greatest thing ever!!!

Keeping my fingers crossed for all my blogger pals who are waiting for their little ones to come home FAST... I didn't know anything about adopting a little one until my bestest pal Holly...Gia's momma....began her she's added a son to her ever growing family. I've "met" some pretty cool people through her and her blog.

Hey Holly.. I can't get lilypie to work for me..can you do it for me???..Derek..5 Cerah..2.... I'll be looking in the am...thanks for helping me out AGAIN...I'm such a blogging dork...

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