Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Visiting with Baba and Dedo

We had a good visit with my dad and ma..they came from Indiana to visit.... this was the first time they've met Cerah and I think the third time they've seen Derek. We're going there in May to visit. Cerah at first was afraid of dad but then got better...after he gave her chocolate.. :)..

Cerah really liked Dedo's watch too....

Derek's self-portrait

Dedo, Cerah and Baba relaxing after a long day....

Dedo and Cerah..he would talk to her in Macedonian and she would say HUH

My Baba is SOO FUNNY!!! And she brought me presents too!! sister in law...having a baby in July, Cerah and Baba....this was at Tony and Jackie's house

Tony and Ma at his house... look how big he is compared to Ma

Cerah's first meeting with Dedo.... she didn't like him at first but after awhile she warmed up to him half-brother... Dedo, Cerah and ME!!!

Cerah and Baba.... how cute is this picture

The funniest thing the whole weekend was when we were at Tony and Jackie's house for their house warming, and we were having cake... Dad asked Cerah if he could have some and she shook her head no at him... Dad thought it was hysterical!!

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