Friday, March 30, 2007

No Pictures Please.....Who wants to feed herself???

AHHHHHH.... Please stop taking pictures while I'm trying to watch TV..
Still ignoring me.... but sticking his tongue out
Look at that mean face...he was starting to get mad...
Mom.... you tricked me!!!
Still watching TV..... I took theses picture while he was enjoying his last time watching Spongebob.... now it's blocked on all our TVs...he was not happy but.... I didn't like some of the things he was saying...when he sat down to dinner and said.."I'm not eating this, it's disgusting"...that was the final straw....what a little booger!!!

I can do this myself...first get the spoon out of the jar....
Wait..wrong end...let's try again.....
How does this thing work?? Mom can do it the right way...
Never mind..I'll just lick it out of the jar. Who needs a spoon anyway...
Please.... just a little more.....

Look at that mess... She loves to feed herself...mess but oh so cute!!

Tonight is the girls night out for dinner. We're (the bridesmaids) are taking Stephanie out for dinner at Chili's.... So that will be alot of fun. I'll have some pics tomorrow..... Have a great day!!!


Kim said...

I still haven't brought myself to letting Alex feed himself his baby food. I really need to let him try it soon...... :)

JuJu - said...

Derek is hysterical and I am soooooooo glad that the only kind of baby food John liked was bananas and creal - oooohhhh grooooooosss!!!
