Monday, March 26, 2007

T.V. Time...

Please stop making me watch these shows...Can't we watch The Backyardagains!!! I'm tired of Little Bear!!

OK, here is something else to watch...How precious is this picture..if they would only sit this still ALL the time

Mom, Can I watch Spongebob now?? That show has been blocked from all TVs in this house.... I DID NOT like the way he was acting once he started watching that show... I don't think a 4 year old should watch it. I let him watch it in the beginning, myself never seeing it, once he started saying thing I didn't like OFF it went...

Move Cerah....
Fine I'll just play with my FAVORITE baby...she carries this doll alot...of all the dolls she has this is the one that is always around

Our visit for the weekend went OK. We really didn't get to see too much of my Dad and Step-Mom. But I guess we'll see them in May when we go to Indiana to visit. I have a few pics but I'm TOOOOOO tired to upload tonight. Maybe tomorrow.
Hey you see the firetruck blanket?? Cerah said she'd like anything with faires for her blanket...or just surprise her...and me...

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