Monday, April 02, 2007

Anyone want to ride in the firetruck tent??

Derek got this firetruck tent for his 2ND birthday...from Granny and Dugie Larry's parents/ It's his most favorite thing of course because it's a firetruck...HE LOVES FIRETRUCKS.... Cerah tries to get in when she can...usually Derek kicks her out but on this day he let her play with him. They are tooo funny when they play together

Oh great here she comes.... Why can't I just play by myself??

OK...I guess she can play with me.... But Cerah... I"M in charge of this firetruck

Now they seem to be getting along.... how long will this last??

My brother is so funny....( even though this picture is was funny)

We had our dinner out on Saturday night. It was alot of fun...Our REAL night out is April 27... YAHOOOOO!!!! That's going to be SOOOOOO much fun... I'll post pictures form our dinner as soon as I find my camera....


JuJu - said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kim said...

What a cool tent! And I'm impressed that Derek was willing to share!!

Anonymous said...

pretty cool how about some sexy pictures of larry