Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Derek's New Favorite Team???

OK... so Florida won the NCAA boys basketball championship last night... which in one way is good...Larry had them picked to win in a pool.... Derek seems to now like the team. It all started about the time the tournament started. Larry and Derek were at the high school...playing bball of course.... when Derek came in and told Larry that Florida was winning the game they were playing..what game and what day I don't know. Larry asked him how he knew and he said..." Because Florida starts with an F and they have more points" How cute is that from a 4 year old... As many of you know lately he ONLY wants to wear basketball type shorts and jerseys... he was SOOOOO happy when we went to Wal-Mart one day and they had a set in blue and orange...FL colors.... I tell you this kid is too funny to handle sometimes!!!

Sorry DADA you have to win him back to the Kentucky side.....

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh dear! I'm sure Daddy isn't liking that very much! (I'm not either! I'm an Ohio State fan!!!)