Sunday, April 15, 2007

BUSY BUSY weekend... and a few pics :)

Derek's no girls allowed sign... isn't it cute???

He wanted to know how to write this and we told him.... now it hangs on his door and whenever Cerah comes in his room, he picks her up, carries her out and says "Cerah read the sign, NO GIRLS"
Cerah wants her cup she has learned to push the button to make the door open..and gets mad if you don't get it right when it beeps
MOM... get it outOH MAN!!! I really need this milk!!!

OK so we've had a very long weekend. Yesterday Cerah and I spent the whole day...and I mean WHOLE day with Stephanie, Dalton and Kayla. We left their house about 11 and I didn't get home until 9:30. We used to do that all the time but now, OH MY I'm too tired!! We did some wedding stuff, the first one is ac secret...I'll tell you after the wedding, went to lunch..first tried Olive Garden...40 minute wait..NO WAY with 2 one year olds... ended up at Glory Day's, went o Belk to register for china, Costco to get YUMMY strawberries, Michael's for more wedding stuff, Cold Stone Creamery for YUMMMY ice cream, Old Navy for new clothes, finally Stephanie and I went to tan...looking good!!!

This morning I was up at 6:00 am to make food for the bridal shower, which was suppose to be outside but here in Va...COLD and RAINY!!! We still had alot of fun. Not everyone came, but still had alot of fun. We had a gift card shower, everyone bought a gift card instead of a present... now I've settled the little ones in and I'm gonna rest.

Silly Cerah... the past couple of naps and bedtimes I ask Cerah if she's ready for nigh nigh. She shakes her head yes, waves to Derek in his room, walks into her room, stands in front of her crib and raises her arms..HOW SWEET!!!

From the beginning I have put them to bed at a certain time. They know when they lay down it's time for bed. Sometimes she cries but for like a minute..then goes to sleep.


Kim said...

I LOVE Derek's sign!! How cute is that. I'm tired just reading about your day.... :)

JuJu - said...

Derek is the cutest! I love that kid - he is too cute - If I lived down the street - he could talk me into anything - I would spoil that cutie rotten!! I am a sucker for a cute and clever boy!! I admit it:)