Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Steph's night out with the girls.... the TAME night :)

On Saturday night, the bridal party and the mom's ( hers and his) took her out to eat at Chili's. We had alot of fun. I think we were there for over 2 hours!! I bet they were glad to see us go :) Anyway. I talked to Stephanie on my way over to the restaurant and told her I was going into Wal-Mart to get something..HOWEVER I was at the party store getting balloons... I was looking for paper bells and streamers...LOL... Steph I know that's what you really want!!! We all finally got there and ordered our food. We had nachos, Chicken tacos..they're new and they are SOOOOOO good!!! and we had the chocolate molten dessert...all I can say is YUMMY!!!!! We all went home but the next time we go out...Sorry but there will probably be NO pics...HAHA if ya know what I mean..well maybe some...

Stephanie and Dalton (Steph and Wade's little boy...he's 6 weeks younger then Cerah....they are best friends..besides you Gia).. arriving at Chili's...she was laughing at the balloons...
Steph's mom, Linda, got in the picture at the last minute.... remind you of anyone Holly?
Other girls at the table..on the left..Courtney (Wade's niece and a Jr Bridesmaid), Wade's Mom..Joan, Joan is holding baby Treyston(Spelling??) across from Joan, Tammi(Wade's sister-in-law & bridesmaid), Allison (Steph' s sister & bridesmaid) and the back of Tricia's head ( Steph's other sister & bridesmaid)
Stephanie (the bride to be) Kayla ( Steph's daughter & another Jr bridesmaid) and Carley ( Wade's other niece & the flower girl)
Dalton waiting oh so patiently for his food... him and Treyston ( if it's spelt wrong I'm SOOOO sorry) Allison's new baby were the only boys allowed!!
And the bestest friend, Matron of Honor and Planner ever created..ME and Stephanie... Can you believe we have been friends for 13 years..AT LEAST if not longer!!! She's such a great friend!! I got to be in the delivery room when Dalton was born!!! And when Kayla was born..I took her a Snickers!!! Love ya Steph

Wade keeps telling Stephanie if I don't stop spending so much time with her he's gonna claim me on their taxes next year!! What a goof ball...but he's a really nice guys and I GUESS i love him too!!! If I HAVE TOO!!!


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