Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dr appointment, momma and the kids and NEW clothes for summer!!!

I forgot tot post about Cerah's Dr appointment on the 13Th...She's doing great... TALL for 15 months 34.8 inches...22.7 lbs. She's in the 50Th % for weight and off the charts for height. She also had to have 2 shots..poor little thing. I think Derek enjoyed seeing her cry. He said.."Here come the shots lets watch" Then proceeded to stand at the end of the table and watch his poor little sister cry..until I picked her up then she was fine.
We also went shopping for new swim suits.... I usually don't' post clothes pics but they're sooo cute...and Derek got a new pair of bball shoes...I DID NOT PICK THESE.. he picked them out all by himself...he thinks they're great..

Poor Cerah and her 2 boo boos...bad DR!!!
Momma and Cerah.... Look at that tan... I've been going to the tanning bed...so far only 5 times... I tan VERY easy
Momma and Derek being silly...self pic
Derek's new swim trunks... he picked out
My new bikini..JUST KIDDING.... Cerah's new swimwear
Derek's new bball shoes.... everyone will see him coming down the court


JuJu - said...

The bikini is to die for:)


Cameo said...

How cute! Everything is cute!