Monday, April 23, 2007

Happy Anniversary to my Hubby!!!

I know it's alot of pictures but, it's been ALOT of years. Today Larry and I have been together for 14 years!! Can you believe that? We met in high school. I was a sophomore and he was a senior. We met in 3rd period P.E. class. We actually started talking to each other on a bus ride home from Osbourne High School, after a basketball game. He player and I was a cheerleader... what dorks right?? Any way.. one day he was playing basketball in P.E. and I told him I would hold his class ring and Varsity jacket until he was done..well, the bell rang and I took off... I've had both since. Here are some pics from us in the early years... I"M SOOOO FUNNY!! Enjoy..

Me in my passport picture... How cute am I?? Look like anyone you know??
Larry when he was about 5 or 6 I think...Look like someone else you know??
My Sophomore wonder he liked me..look at that hair!!!
Larry's Senior picture...
Us on a camping trip... we always seem to have fun
My favorite picture... aren't we too cute?? This was one of our Christmas pictures.. I think like in 1998-1999
Us at Dale an Lorene's wedding Us at Larry's cousins wedding
Larry's graduation ( out of order but too funny) look at those chicken legs. I'm surprised I could stand on them :)

Hoe cute..this picture we used in our engagement announcement..the real one was AWFUL!! I was crying hysterically...I'll find it and post those..
Our first vacation that I was allowed to stay over night at the beach... you know them mom's!!
Us still at the beach
My Jr Homecoming..GOOD GRIEF look at that hair..WHAT WAS THINKING!!!

My Jr Prom... NICE HAIR AGAIN!! My Senior Prom... A little better
Me prego with Derek... Born July 11, 2002 10lb 1oz...
Us married October 23, 2004... Yes I had Derek before we were married. BUT we'd been together for 10 years by then.
Me prego with Cerah.. Born January 10 2006.... 10lb 2oz
I don't think I could be any happier. I have a wonderful husband, children and life. I hope that one day Derek and Cerah find someone who loves them as much as their dad and I love each other. Happy Anniversary..even though you say this one doesn't count anymore..... may there be 500 more!!!
Hey Anonymous: Thought you'd like these pics of Larry... when he was younger and had more hair :)


Kim said...

OH MY GOSH does Derek look like Larry!!! :) Yeah - what was up with our hair? I was looking at my senior yearbook and about died.

JuJu - said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!Your kids look just like you!!!!!!!!!!!


Cameo said...

SOOOOO glad to see someone else waiting at least a decade before marrying!!! LOVE the pics!

EB said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have many many more

Kim said...

Hey - email me and I'll tell you exactly where I live in Kentucky so you can really get your miles right! :)