Saturday, April 28, 2007

GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! the pics haven't been uploaded yet...maybe tonight..can't the kids see those pics :) We had alot of fun. First we went to BWW to eat ( Buffalo Wild Wings) I saw some friends from school and chatted for a bit. Then we left for the "club". We were told to be there by 7:30 to keep our reserved we got there on time...THE SCRIPPERS...DIDN'T COME OUT UNTIL AFTER 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS PISSED!!! They will be getting an email from me today!!! Anyway... by the time they came out the girls were feeling PRETTY good.... they'd been drinking for like 3 started at BWW... Stephanie was drinking on the way to BWW...she poured out a bottle of water and filled it with Smirnoff (sp) and drank almost all of it before we got there. OK back to the scrippers...that's what we call them.... there were 5 guys..2 WERE HOT!!! 1 was OK...2 WERE OLD..... no offence to anyone...they were like 50..THEY SHOULD NOT BE TAKING THEIR CLOTHES OFF!!!! They were old enough to be my dad... he's 51!!! But we LOVE the cowboy... then he came back as a firefighter!!! OHHHHHMYYYYY...
I got home about 2:30...would have been sooner but guess who got pulled over... ME!!!! The sober one. I was weaving the line which I contacts were SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tried I swear they were stuck to my eyeballs!!! But I got off with just a warning. She was very nice. She was out looking fro drunk drivers... I told her I was the designated driver and she said she was proud of me.... HOW NICE...
This morning Larry wanted to see the pics...I guess he thought I was a bad girl.... NOPE I'M AN ANGEL!! :) :) :) :)
I'll try to get SOME pics on tonight.... The ones I can show anyway :)
Have a great weekend...


Kim said...

I'm impressed that you were blogging this early!! I'm glad you guys had a good time - but funny is it that you got pulled over!!! Thank God you were the designated driver!!!! That could have been bad. :)

Cameo said...

Can't wait to see the pics!