Sunday, April 29, 2007

Playing at Gaga's and Cerah's first ponytail

Uncle Rick playing with Derek and Cerah. Rick is my mom's brother... he's also the one doing our basement
Derek and Cerah playing in the tree in the front yard. It seems all the grand kids LOVE this tree and always want to climb in it.
How cute. Every year he tried to get higher in the tree
Derek being a silly boy
Cerah wasn't too happy when I put her in the tree. At least we got one picture :)
Two cute little monkeys!!
OK mom, we're done...please put your camera away
Cerah's first ponytail.. Derek just got out of the shower
I know I'm cute
Side view of Cerah's ponytail. She wouldn't sit still for long so I only got these two pics...I'll try again next time.

We've had a very nice weekend. Got alot of stuff done around the house. Larry and Derk worked on the yard and Rick worked on the basement. Cerah and I stayed in for most of the day. I'm refinishing a dresser for her room that Larry's mom got for $10... I think.... So I'm trying to get it sanded and painted. I'll post the finished product when it's done.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh I just love these tree pictures. So cute. That is a great way to compare how they have grown year from year.