Monday, April 30, 2007

Girls Night Out!!!

WARNING: If you are offended by any type of drinking or male performers... STOP LOOKING NOW!!! The following pics are form Stephanie's bachelorette party...nothing real bad...just don't want anyone giving me any grief over the pictures...

Stephanie before we left for our night out... I had this t-shirt made and when I did they lady didn't know how to spell bachelorette...I didn't either had to call Larry :)

Me and Stephanie before we left..waiting for Tammi

Tammi (bridesmaid) Stephanie, Lorene (friend and doing the flowers)

Me and Lorene..we've been friends FOREVER.... we were there when our kids were born

Tammi, Stephanie and Jenni (friend) having a drink.. GO GIRLS!!!

Tammi and I dared Stephanie to go into this gas station a get a pack of gum for free.... ALL women were working...I'm sure if a guy was there he would have given her the gum...

Me, Stephanie, Lorene (top row) Jenni and Tammi (seated) at the club..WAITING for our dancers!!!
Tammi taking a shot... she was SOOOO FUUNNNYYYY
Jenni and Tammi deciding what they were drinking next...
Stephanie and Tammi were having a good time... Stephanie had a little wand she carried around all night...she's giving Tammi a spanking...

SING IT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shots all around... except for me
Jello shooter for Steph
Tearin' up the dance floor...
More dancing....

Stephanie played musical chairs...we all got a free tan from Beach Bum Tanning...She didn't win the girl sitting next to her did :(

RIDE UM COWBOY!!! He was our favorite dancer!!!
Giving Steph a dance...
Now he's a FIREMAN!!! HOT STUFF !!!
Me and Mr Fireman....

We had sooo much fun. I can't believe her wedding is in less than 3 weeks!!! Wade (hubby to be) asked me yesterday if I would still be coming around so much after the wedding was over. I told him I'd be there EVERYDAY!!! Love ya


Kim said...

It looks like you guys had a great time!!!

Cameo said...

ohhhh...... jello shots...... yummy....... oh, yeah, and the guys aren't half bad looking either! LOL.

JuJu - said...

Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
