Thursday, April 05, 2007

Wal-Mart trip.... OH MY

Well I tried to upload some new pics but got too tired so I'll just gonna tell you about the GREAT day I had...
It started this morning dropping Derek off at preschool. Ever since Larry had been off, every time I drop him off he cries...he thinks I'm not coming back to get him. But once I leave he's fine and when I come back to pick him up, he doesn't want to leave.. Any ideas on what to do. Well then I think I made the mistake of coming back early to do their Easter egg hunt with them... he was teary the WHOLE time. But again when I left he was fine. I don't know what to do...

The next part of this post is dedicated to all those mommies who go CRAZY trying to get some grocery shopping done with 2..or more little ones:
We went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things while Larry was at a game. Wait let me start again. First we went to Michael's and Target. Derk wanted a new toy. I told him if he was good, the money we were getting back from returning his shirt he could get a toy...well he was really good..UNTIL we left Target with his toy. Wal-Mart here we come... He wants to push the carts...he can't see over the ones at Wal-Mart. Then throws a fit...yelling in the isle that he's not my friend and I'm going to jail for not letting him push the cart. We stop at the McDee's to get something to eat. When we leave I feel home free..only 3 more things to get...Cerah decides to squeeze the cup and spill Coke everywhere..and of course I only have 1 napkin with me to clean it up. At the same time, Derek says he's gonna stand n the next line, that's closed, and wait for me. I'm looking for my cash and look up:
HE HAS TURNED ON THE CONVEYOR BELT ANDS I SEE HIS TOY GOING THROUGH THE LINE!!! I told him to get over here and he says "What I'm working at Wal-Mart now"

And how was your day?????


Kim said...

Ok - I'm sorry - I'm really trying not to laugh. :) I'm glad you have such a good attitude about it!!

JuJu - said...

Have The Best Easter Ever:)
