Saturday, April 21, 2007

What a day....

I had a LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG day. First thing in the am (yesterday) I went to help Stephanie clean a house they had built and our now selling..THAT was a work out in itself. Then last night we went to a spaghetti dinner at Derek's pre-school. YUMMY... As we were sitting there eating two of the little girls in his class walking by and said...HHHIII Derek.... SO CUTE!!! H e got shy and said hi. Then forget about eating he wanted to go play. Today will be another busy day..Larry and Derek have left for their first trip to the landfill...we are cleaning out the basement...who knew we had SOOSOSOSOSSOSO much junk.
My camera isn't uploading so I have to figure out whats wrong...I'll get some pics on ASAP.

To the weight loose... I'm going pretty good sooo far. We actually don't start until Monday but... I started on of that day I have lost 1.2 lbs.... not bad for 3 days.... So now I REALLY gotta step it up so me and my team members WIN!!! We're trying to think of a team name.... it's harder then I thought it was gonna be.... I guess we'll figure one out soon. Our team captain is leaving next week to meet her new little girl for the first time in Guatemala.... Have a great visit Shannon...

1 comment:

Cameo said...

Way to go Soltana!!! I started my weight loss regimen on Monday, so this Monday will mark a week. I'm trying so hard to be good this weekend. Ugh! Good luck since we're on the same team!!!!