Thursday, May 03, 2007

$138,095...Where's my money??

This clip was from last year... This morning on CNN they said a stay at home mom works 91.6 hours per week and should earn $138,095 a year!!! Just thought I'd let everyone out there know ... DAD'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like we got a raise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cameo said...

i read that yesterday on the forum. I'd be happy with 1/10 of that!!!! Hell, I'd be happy with a "thank you" once in a while! LOL

Soltana said...

I'd be happy with a thank you too!!

Soltana said...

I'd be happy with a thank you too!!

JuJu - said...

I love it!! I love your blog Soltana:)

Stil waiting for Abby-Grace:)
