Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fireman's parade....

We had aot of fun at the parade... Cerah went last year but she was too little to know what was going on. Derek has gone every year since he was a baby. He loves firetrucks. When we see a firetruck out on the road that is going somewhere he yells.. "911 emergency..follow that firetruck" cute is he. He says he's going to be a fireman when he grows up.

We're planning to leave tomorrow night to leave for Indiana.... BAD NEWS....CICADAS are coming out!!! YUCK...I HATE them... in case you don't know what they are..NASTY flying bugs that make alot of noise and are UGLY!!!!

Of all the things for Derek to do..he picks some bubble wrap from the trash to play with
Dada and Derek having a great time at the parade... HERE THEY COME!!!
Dada and Cerah.... Let me go Dad..I want to run
Momma and Cerah ...courtesy of Derek....
Too cute
I gave her cotton candy.. I KNOW bad momma...
Love this the cotton candy beard??
BIG MESS waiting to happen
HELP.... get it off me
More for Derek....


1 comment:

Cameo said...

what cute pictures!!!! I'd LOVE to take Asa to a firetruck parade. He'd be in awe of it. He loves them! Actually anything with a siren and lights. And trumpets :)