Wednesday, May 23, 2007


DO NOT BUY ANY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS FROM ANYONE SELLING THEM AT YOUR DOOR..... we bought some a few years ago and paid like $100 for 2 subscriptions that were suppose to be fore 18 months.... we received 4 magazines....
Again last night someone tried to sell them to me. A few days ago 2 boys came to my door and I bought a subscription for Derek..Thomas and friends.. $70..... I have since sent a letter..YOU CAN"T CALL..... to cancel...of course they've already cashed the "deposit" check I gave them..... I'm warning you all now

They are called....Am Press Associates..... out if Miami.... usually teenage kids saying they're earring points for some trip or for school.... I hope this is useful info for all of you so you don't get scammed too!!!!

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