Friday, May 25, 2007

Graduation Day...Graduation Day....Graduation Day is here...

OK... so we're getting ready to leave for our LONG trip to's about 10 hours.....We'll stop for dinner then put the kids in their pajamas and off we go. Larry will drive to about the middle of Ohio... I'll drive to Indianapolis and Larry will drive the rest of the way. I'm gonna try to post while we're gone...not promising anything..Holly or Shannon I'll call one of you on Wednesday for weigh in :)

GUESS WHAT... On my way to the ATM I got pulled over!! SPEEDING!!! What are they thinking...

Here are a few pictures from Derek's graduation. They had a good time. They sang songs... This little light of mine, Jesus loves me, He's got the whole world in his hands and graduation day ( to the tune of I've been working on the railroad) I'm so proud of him. He's such a good kid..I know EVERY momma says that.. :)

Momma and her little man before we left
Almost crying...but he didn't
Getting better
Little man getting his "diploma" they got a real one at the reception following graduation
Hey Sandy... look familiar... one of my FAVORITES
Stephanie, Derek and Kayla
Cerah, Grandpa Dugie, Derek and Granny ( Larry's parents)
A proud momma and her kid :)
Derek, Adrianne and Noah. Adrianne is Derek's wife..2 years
Derek and Mattison... his girlfriend


Sandy said...

Hey Solt. That picture is great! I love the blurry background. I can't believe how big Derek is getting. He's a little man.

Cameo said...

How cute!!!! You look like one proud mom! Have a fun trip!

A said...

So where abouts in Indiana you heading? If you don't feel comfortable writting it here, send me an email. I'm wondering if you are going to be anywhere near me!!

EB said...

I have got to find out how to do the blurry'll be driving through my neck of the woods big old ohio i live near the river.....

how sweet, in a few years that will be carson

Jennifer said...

Aww what great pictures. What a cutie. Where in Indiana are you headed? You are making me homesick LOL. I was born and raised in SOuth Bend.
Have an awesome trip.