Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I'm going CRAZY!!!

OK... so i can't find my camera!!! it's been 3 days and I haven't taken a picture. I carry my camera every where I go!! So until I find it here are some pics to enjoy...

We weigh in tomorrow on the weight lose program..YIKES... I don't think I did so week this week...DARN festival food..and fried chicken at Larry's parents house :) I guess we'll just see what happens in the am...

Derek and Cerah playing in the laundry basket...Alex do you want to play too??
Why is Cerah crying???
OOPPSSS the basket fell again...
Where is she going now?? She likes to keep climbing in and out... it drove Derek crazy

OK.. Derek finally let me take a good picture of him
Me and my little man... I can't believe he's almost 5!!!
Yeah baby...I know I'm cool!!!
Please no more pictures..the flashes are hurting my eyes!!
OK...now what...


Cameo said...

So was this the post that was dedicated to me????? I carry my camera everywhere too, but..... I think you forgot about me!!!!! Oh, and I'm soooo dreading weigh in tomorrow. I had freakin' acid reflux last night from eating too much!!!! ACID REFLUX!!!!

Kim said...

Alex says, 'Yes, please!!' You just need to bring those two cuties with you on your "trip" to Kentucky and then they can play together. :)