Saturday, May 05, 2007

Almost forgot a funny Derek story... :)

Last night at the parade we were sitting watching the parade and there was a sign near up that said no drugs...well Derek is really into what signs mean lately... I told him no drugs... then waited for the question.."what are drugs"...instead he told Larry that sign said..NO FROGS... no frogs were allowed to come to the parade.... HOW CUTE IS HE!!!

Pics from the parade tonight or tomorrow...Have a great day!


Cameo said...

what a cutie!!!! I love stories like that! Oh, and Robin Thicke, he's a singer, Alan Thicke's son (which is bad enough). here's a link to his video on youtube, I don't have the heart to post it on my blog. Sorry!

EB said...

Kids really do say the darndest things.

How cute

Cameo said...

ok, I need your email because I'm communicating with you via blog comments!!! mine is and what the heck is a DSW????