Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Self-pics, a new word and losing weight

It's been a busy day... I'm pooped!! So I'm just posting a quick post before we leave for school. The following pics are those Derek took of himself..they are so cute I had to put them on.
Cerah has learned a new word..'s how it sounds when she says poop... she tells you when she's doing it and when she's done I tel her to got get a diaper. She does and then lays on the floor to have it changed..what a smart kid I tell ya.
On to the weight lose program. As you know I've joined a support group of sorts to help us all lose weight. We weigh in every Wednesday . This week it's 1.8 lbs. So now since January I've lost 17 lbs!! I can't believe it. Sometimes I feel like I don't look like I have but people tell me I look better. YAY for me!!!
Have a great day

Derek's foot..just in case you were wondering what it looked like :)
A picture taken up side down
The next few are the cutest faces I've ever seen!!!



Cameo said...

What a cutie pie!!! AND GOOD GOING ON THE WEIGHT LOSS!!!!! I'm so glad you're on my team!!!! Otherwise I'd have to hate you....

Jennifer said...

What a cute little foot. WTG on the Weight Loss. You go Girl~!

Kim said...

Love the pictures of Derek!! What a cutie!!!