Monday, June 04, 2007

Derek is a FUNNY kid :)

Quick Derek story from this morning:

We were on our way into town to drop off some paperwork for his "summer camp" and he was talking to Cerah in the back seat... this is what I heard:

Derek: Cerah do you want to go to jail??
Cerah: (just looks at him)
Derek : Cerah do you want to go to jail?
Then stop that whining!!

She wanted her cup of milk and was yelling to get my attention

How cute is this kid..... :)


Jennifer said...

Future Police Officer???

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

Kids say the cutest things!!!! You gotta love it!!!

JuJu - said...

What the heck??????He is headed for stand up stardom:)

I LOVE the pics of them on the porch together in the earlier post - My favorites of all:):) They are beautiful kids Soltana -
